Friday, August 27, 2010

Uncooperative Dutch

A striking aspect of the Netherlands is the lack of cooperation and unwillingness to take responsibility.

At a company I recently worked for called Atradius, a major IT project I worked on was continually stalled by managers whose only aim was to offload work onto another department, even though our IT department could easily and efficiently do the work. Despite my best efforts to simply do the work and overcome the politics, the project just dragged on for years and has probably been canned by now.

I confronted my local Connexion bus driver about why his bus leaves the station two minutes before the train from Amsterdam arrives. I told him they should fix the timetable. He replied that the train comes too late and NS should fix THEIR timetable. 'Disconnexion' might be a better name for their company.

It seems that customers are too patient and long-suffering in Holland. Am I the only person to suggest that buses and trains could connect?

It further seems that people are not willing or motivated to stand up and take responsibility for changing their world. Perhaps they are not rewarded in their youth so it is not considered a commendable ting to be te force for change. Maybe the quest to be 'normale' is the overriding factor that subsumes any aspirations to achieve or excel.

Are you are looking for a Maastricht house for rent?

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